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Machine vs hand appyling


Having to choose between the traditional approach of hand applying render or spraying render can sometimes be a little difficult to decide. This can be because most people have not heard of machine spray rendering. These are the main differences between the two to help you choose which is best for you. 




Hand applying is a slower process for a few reasons, all the render bags need to be placed up on the scaffolding, water bowsers need filling, accessing electric and carrying mixes all have to be taken into consideration so this is a long process before we begin. 

With spraying, the machine is placed next to the bags, this is then connected directly to the water source or if not accessible, we use a bowser and plug this into the mains. A  hose is all that is needed on the scaffold and the spray can begin. 





Spray render allows you to apply a wetter render material but with thicker depth. Once this is achieved we can spray a larger area without worrying about the render drying which allows more time to rule it flat. In fact, some spray renders can be completed in one coat. 




The finished product whether hand or machine applied has the same outcome and quality finish, certain jobs require both or either one for reasons such as size, accessibility etc.



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